Tonara – for modern times’ musicians

Sheet Music Publishing was once the largest player in the music industry. With the invention of the phonograph and advances in recording and distribution technologies, Recording companies became the largest force in this industry since the 20th century. But the sheet music market isn’t dead and annual sales’ estimates are over USD$2 bi. Those who [...]

Square – Serial Innovation

In 2009, Jack Dorsey (from Twitter) started to work in a new project after hearing that a friend was unable to complete a sale because couldn’t accept credit card as payment. In May 2010 he launched Square. Square is a service that allows anyone to receive credit card payments. Without having a business or a [...]

Is Qwiki website just smoke & mirrors?

Since Qwiki was announced last year, it’s been constantly gaining momentum and media-share. As most describe it, it’s a “Visual Wikipedia” or “Information Experience” as the company defines it. I’ve had different views on it since they first announced it – and today I wouldn’t be surprised if the Qwiki website feels like smoke and [...]